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Obsessive Surrender Page 9
Obsessive Surrender Read online
Page 9
“Umm, you do have a sweet taste about you. Now, do as I told you. And trust me when I say there will come a time you’ll beg me to spank your bottom while we fuck. In fact, unless I’m way off the mark about what will eventually turn you on and I don’t believe I am, you’ll crave the co-mingling of a good fuck with a sound spanking.”
He stopped any protest she might have made with another demanding kiss, his hands smoothing over her trembling body, reassuring her as he released her.
“It’s all right. Don’t be afraid. Just know this, that when I’m fully satisfied your will is subjugated to mine, you’ll live as Benton predicted, in the lap of luxury. You’ll be given a generous allowance, access to the chauffeur-driven limo, memberships in whatever clubs or gyms you choose, and able to buy anything within reason your heart desires. I assure you that no one in Vegas will be more respected or revered than the wife of Ivan Littlefield.
“Your life will be perfect if you never deny me my conjugal rights whenever and however I demand them, and never interfere otherwise in my affairs, business or personal. But the most important rule is, always be loyal only to me, Andrea. Never give me reason to question that.
“Now, because you didn’t immediately obey me, there is no getting around it. You must be punished. Get me the smallest paddle.”
Andrea retrieved the small wooden paddle that reminded her of a ping-pong paddle, and handed it to him with a trembling hand, her frightened gaze falling from his.
“Lift your head, Andrea, and look at me. Know this. Whatever discomfort you experience will be necessary for the indoctrination process. And like I said, when I introduce you to the co-mingling of intimate pleasure with a touch of pain, soon you will welcome it.
“And when I’m convinced of your absolute compliance and fidelity, you’ll be allowed to come and go about Vegas as you please. But never forget, you are now and will continue to be, my wife, my possession and mine alone. No other man is ever to touch you. Understood?”
She nodded mutely.
“Good. After your indoctrination, I’ll have Margaret take you for a complete physical and then back to the salon to have your hair lightened and styled, something not done before since time was of the essence. No more ponytails ever. You’ll get acrylic nails to cover those pathetic chewed ones. My wife should present a picture of sophistication. Able to hold her own in any group.
“This is only the beginning of our erotic adventures, Andrea. Damn, that excites me! I intend to mold you into a woman men will hunger for, because I don’t mind them salivating when you walk by so long as they know you are never to be approached.
“Always walk into a room with your chin up, not slouching like a whipped dog. You are no longer the drunken Benton’s daughter, Andrea. You are Ivan Littlefield’s wife! Remember that. Demand attention and respect. And never, I repeat, never embarrass me.”
He went over to the bed and motioned for her to join him. When she did, he turned her over his knee. His hand moved beneath her, his fingers seeking out and massaging her clit, bringing her to the edge of climax as he began the spanking. The intermingling of the two sensations brought her quickly to a shattering orgasm.
He laid the paddle down, and stood, pulling her up to hold her tightly against his full arousal as he cupped her bottom.
“Umm umm, that ass is hot to the touch. That was just your first orgasm of the night, my pet. More are on the way. I’m anxious to see how quickly you can be brought back to arousal.”
He claimed her mouth again in a kiss that lasted until he felt her relaxing into his embrace. Then he sat her down on the edge of the bed and knelt before her, urging her legs apart to inspect the valley of her sex.
Rising, he ordered, “Stay right there. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
He disappeared into the bathroom, reappearing with a towel, a wet washcloth, shaving cream and a razor. He spread the towel on the bed next to her and ordered her to sit on it, then knelt before her.
“Now spread your legs out, wider.”
His eyes held hers for a moment and he saw her embarrassment and fear. He ran a hand along her inner thigh, reassuring her in a gentle tone.
“There will be no embarrassing boundaries separating us, Andrea. And I won’t hurt you. Now open, give me complete access and sit still.”
He smoothed the shaving cream over her labia and began shaving, taking extra precaution not to cut her, explaining, “I expect you to keep yourself shaved and clean at all times, my pet. I want that beautiful clit exposed and ready for sucking without the hindrance of pubic hair. Understand? Or if you would prefer being waxed, that is another possibility, once you leave this room.”
When she was clean-shaven, he cleaned her with the cloth and ordered her to rise so he could capture the shaved hair in the towel.
“Stay there, Andrea.”
He disappeared into the bathroom again, disposed of the items, and came back with a warmed washcloth. Again, he knelt before her and began washing gently before running an inspecting hand over her hairless, smooth vulva with a nod.
“That’s better. You do have a sweet little snatch,” he declared.
He leaned his face into her then, his tongue flicking her clitoris while she caught and exhaled a startled breath. Smiling, he looked into her face, saw her rapt expression and exclaimed, “Damn, I think you’re ready again.”
Claiming her clit fully, sucking on it as he pushed a finger inside her, he brought her quickly to her second shuddering climax.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” he asked as he rose to stand before her. “That was just number two. Number three will be the best, I promise.”
He pulled her up and kissed her, inserting his tongue in her mouth, still wet with her own salty essence, and when their lips parted, he asked, “How do you like tasting yourself, Andrea?”
He did not expect an answer and he didn’t get one, but he read her excitement in those expressive eyes.
“Next I look forward to your reaction as I enter you. It thrills me to think I’ll be your first. I will be, won’t I?” he asked coolly.
Having said that, he leaned to kiss her breasts, suckling each before pushing her back down to sit on the bed. He knelt before her again, urging her legs apart. She continued to mutely stare at him, reminding him of a bird transfixed with fearful dread, waiting to be devoured by a cat.
Ivan suppressed a chuckle as he once more devoted his attention to kissing her clit, curious as to how quickly he could revive her sensually. He sucked it while his hands smoothed down her legs, in tune with her trembling tension, aware of the moment it began to ebb and her breathing accelerated; aware her desire was reasserting itself as her inner temperature rose.
Probing just inside her wet vagina with a finger, he said, “Yes. That channel is smoldering,”
He continued to tongue her clit until she began to involuntarily thrash about.
“There we go,” he declared, leaning back to stare at her face. “I knew you’d be hot to trot once you had a real man work you over, Andrea. How often have you pleasured yourself? Masturbating in the tub maybe? Or in your bed, while your mind conjured me up as your lover? You never fooled me, my lamb. I saw the latent passion in your eyes those times you thought I wasn’t watching you watch me.”
Ivan’s excitement rose with hers. Impatient to claim his prize, he laid her back, moving her legs sideways until her body was fully on the bed, then positioned himself over her, keeping the bulk of his weight off in a straight-armed, hovering stance while he studied her expression. Seeing her sudden flash of raw fear, he shook his head.
“Don't be afraid of me, Andrea. Open for me. Open your legs and draw your knees up to receive me. Relaxing is the key to enjoyment and I want you to enjoy our first union.”
She opened her legs but he could tell she was far from being relaxed. He rubbed the head of his penis against her clit, making full use of her natural lubricant by insinuating just barely into the pulsating opening time and ag
ain, withdrawing, then dipping until he was unable to contain his rising excitement and tried to enter her. He felt her tense, obstructing his thrust and whispered down at her, “Relax Andrea.”
He kissed her passionately, inserting his tongue to clash with hers. He trailed kisses down her face, her neck, her shoulders, moving down to suck her breasts. He captured each hard nub between his teeth, tugging gently, soliciting her muffled cries.
At a fever pitch of desire, Ivan tried unsuccessfully to fully enter her and again felt her body’s convulsive, nervous rejection. On the third determined thrust, he broke through the membrane protecting her virgin body and exclaimed, “Sonofabitch, you were a virgin!” as Andrea cried out in the moment of pain.
Andrea felt the throbbing inclusion of his rock-hard cock that completely stretched and filled her as Ivan clasped her to him, stilled and waiting until her body adjusted to him.
Then he began moving in slow rhythm, with the intention of being gentle her first time, but suddenly, lost in the excitement, he grabbed her hips, lifting her slightly before furiously plumbing her depths, faster and faster.
Believing she’d never feel anything but hatred for him as he began pumping her mercilessly, Andrea was almost immediately moved beyond the initial pain to a place of sublime carnal yearning, her body betraying her by lifting of its own accord to meet Ivan’s demanding thrusts as she began to reach her third and most enthralling orgasm.
But as soon as Ivan realized how close she was, he grew still, smiling, perversely denying both of them that ultimate pleasure.
“Let me get the paddle.”
He got the paddle from where he had tossed it beside them on the bed. Leaning back, he positioned her legs up, resting them on his shoulders as he began paddling her hips and thighs, not hard, just enough to tingle smartly as he jammed his cock deep inside her cocooned, suctioning warmth. Andrea moaned as the co-mingled pleasure and pain carried her toward another level of hedonistic orgasm.
Caught up in the erotic, frenzied rhythm—a swat, a thrust, a swat—they simultaneously erupted.
Withdrawing and falling to her side, Ivan patted her heaving stomach as he exclaimed a guttural, “Hot damn that was good! I knew you’d be something, Andrea, once you got started. I saw the banked fire in those green eyes. Now we know you’re good for at least three climaxes in a row. That’s more than most women can say.”
Chuckling he added, “Hell, even I need to rest after that session. Sorry if I got a little too rough for your first time, but you just excited me beyond control.”
Feeling torn and used, Andrea rose to go to the bathroom, groaning with the effort. Ivan looked at the bloody sheet smiling.
“You are the first and only virgin I’ve ever had, Andrea. Damn, my own little virgin to develop. I am still reeling from that, my pet. I didn’t believe it possible in today’s world to find a virgin. Right now I consider myself one lucky bastard,” he declared proudly.
At that moment, Andrea agreed with only part of that statement.
Chapter 7
The Dragon
After they had rested for a couple of hours, when Andrea was on the verge of an exhausted sleep, Ivan wanted her again. And even though she was sore and the initial entering was painful, Andrea didn’t protest or think to deny him because he knew all the right places to touch and kiss and fondle to awaken her traitorous desires. And this time he was infinitely gentle, moving her beyond the stinging discomfort to a place of lustful craving beyond anything she had ever known or imagined.
The next time Ivan needed satisfying, he introduced her to the art of fellatio, stating he knew her virgin snatch needed a rest. He instructed her as to what would please him immeasurably and haring what he expected, Andrea’s initial thought was that she’d find such an act revolting. But her mental repulsion was soon replaced by the surprising revelation that she found fellatio erotically exciting.
When Ivan finally allowed her to sleep, in the early hours of the morning, Andrea slept soundly. She was so exhausted and so deep in sleep that she was unaware when Ivan rose, showered and dressed at 9:30 a.m.
When she opened her eyes at 10:30 and saw him sitting on the side of the bed fully clothed and looking every bit the businessman, Andrea was startled.
“I had Millie prepare you cereal, toast and coffee,” he indicated the tray on the bedside table. “But first, here, take these and drink this,” he said, handing her vitamins and a glass of orange juice. “It’ll replenish your energy. I’ve had two glasses already,” he said chuckling.
“Speaking of Millie, Ivan, won’t she think it strange that I am not downstairs at all?”
“Millie, as do all my staff, minds her own business, and other than serving food in the dining room, keeps to her kitchen and her quarters. So no, she will not think your absence strange because she will not be aware of it. And even if she should wonder, she would never broach the question.”
Pushing back a strand of her hair with a fingertip, Ivan quipped, “You know, Andrea, after last night I have to admit, you are definitely worth what I paid for you.”
His words were like a slap in the face and seeing her flash of pain, Ivan said quickly, “I’m kidding you, Andrea. I don’t think of you as something I bought. I think of you as my very passionate wife.”
“But I am just your property; just something you bought,” she said starkly, the pain of his words still rankling in her mind.
His look hardened as he searched her face.
“As long as you think of yourself that way, so will I! Now this morning I want you to begin your anal expansion exercises while I tend to business. As tempting as that little butt hole is, I realize I’d rip it irreparably if I were to try and enter you now. And like I told you earlier, I’ll never knowingly injure you.
“Tell me, do you need an enema or are you one of those fortunate ones who naturally eliminate waste every morning? It’s better to have a clean anal area before using the butt expanders.”
When she remained silent, her face flaming in embarrassment, Ivan demanded, “Speak up. Tell me. There’s no need to be embarrassed, Andrea. Are you forgetting that I already know every intimate part of your body?”
She mumbled, “I’ve—ah—I’ve never had trouble using the bathroom.”
“Your embarrassment with concern to your personal hygiene and your body does you credit. But you shouldn’t be embarrassed with your husband, Andrea,” he said fondly as he tweaked her breasts. “And it’s quite an enticing little body. We are truly one now. I thought at first it was false modesty on your part, but now I know it’s just innocence of the world as it really is that flushes that pretty little face of yours. I must admit I find it extremely becoming.
“Now you’ll find clean linen in the bathroom. Change the sheets and put these soiled ones in the hamper, eat your breakfast and have a shower.
“By the way, Andrea, you will have to clean the room and the bath yourself. No one even knows about this room. All the supplies you’ll need are in the bathroom closet. Now don’t forget, today you begin utilizing the expanders,” he said, pointing to the bench.
“Ivan, please don’t make me do that. There are so many other ways to satisfy you without that, ways you’ve shown me during the night already,” she said, referring to his detailed instruction in fellatio. “I—I beg you.”
“Don’t ever beg, Andrea,” he snapped. “It’s beneath you. You’ve displeased me again and you know what that means.”
He took the glass of orange juice from her and placed it on the tray. Flipping her over, he spanked her with one hand, while his other hand delved into the valley of her sex, massaging her tender swollen clitoris gently to coincide with the spanking, until she could not be still, until she shattered beneath his probing hand.
When he knew she lay in her own released juices, he inspected her slightly reddened buttocks, rubbing a hand over her affectionately.
“You do have a nice ass.”
He turned her over and pointed t
o the row of affixed phalluses, indicating the one with the least artificially swollen head, hardly more than the size of his finger.
“Start with the smallest phallus, of course. But first, go make good use of the bidet. By the way, there’s petroleum jelly in the chest beside the bench for lubrication. Once the head is in, however, there shouldn’t be a problem with the shank. I’m sure your rectum will expand as eagerly as that channel of yours did to receive my cock because you, my dear, were born to be fucked, as I knew you would be.”
Andrea averted her eyes as she scurried to the bathroom. She took such a long time, Ivan, having left the room and returned, inquired, “You wouldn’t be stalling in there now would you, my pet? I give you another five minutes and then it will be enema time. Understand?”
Andrea finished her toilet, washed her hands and hurried out.
“I see you haven’t eaten your breakfast. I want you to keep up your energy.”
“I—I’m not hungry.”
“I should think you would be famished after a night of sex. I usually am. Tell you what, I’ll take the tray back to Millie and have her prepare a more substantial breakfast, which you will eat, understand?”
She nodded.
He pointed to a black-rimmed wall clock he had affixed for the sole purpose of timing her actions.
“Sit on the small phallus for at least fifteen minutes. Remember the cameras. I’ll be watching while I attend to business in the downstairs office. Okay then, I’ll be back shortly with your breakfast. How about you strip the bed and then take a quick shower while I’m gone.”
When he returned with her breakfast, Andrea had replaced the soiled sheets with clean ones, showered and was sitting on the bed.
He placed the tray on the bedside table, sat down beside her and reached to cup her breasts, pinching the tips lightly before leaning to suckle each. He leaned in to smell her, remarking, “You smell like lavender. Sweet and enticing. And nice tits you’ve got there, Mrs. Littlefield. You are definitely going to be my treasure. Every man in Vegas will envy me. Now eat your breakfast. Like I said, you need to keep up your strength.”